to know me right?
What about me?
I'm a value-oriented backend developer,
focused on harnessing my skills.
I get easily intrigued by new technologies
I like staying indoor
I have used HTML, CSS, Javacript, JQuery, React, Bootstrap, ExpressJs
I like writing efficient, scalable and maintainable code to support robust application, but you know we can't stop learning. I'm not perfect. But I make sure I look for ways to make my code better.
I'm a night coder
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My Work Experience
It's not about number of years, it's about doing the right thing
September 2023 - Present
Basitech | Junior Backend Developer
We are currently building an SMS-School Management System application. Click the view button to view my experience working with the start up.
March 2023 - August 2023
SmartPay | React Developer Intern
I built the splash screen, landing, FAQ, login and signup pages. I collaborated with backend developers to implement authentication features, which was later switched to keycloak